nathan {eleven months}
6:23 AM
Let the birthday countdown begin!
I almost can't wrap my head around this......Nathan is almost a year old!!!
We love him sooooo much and its just such a privileged to be his mom and I look back on this last year and just cant believe how bless Isaiah and I are.
This little guy just up and started walking this month. Crazy that Kaylee and Nathan both started walking at the same exact age down to the week. Crazy!!!
ten month stats:
weight: 29.5lbs
height:getting measured next month
eating: three meals a day and one real food snack. Still on formula until next month
clothing: 24months-2T
diapers: size 5
our big accomplishment this month is becoming a walker. He is quick about it too. He learned to walk from pulling himself up on chairs and couches and now he can get himself fully standing independently. He is just the goofiest, happiest, easy going baby around. He goes with the flow so well and I just couldn't ask for a better son.
had pink eye in both eyes
learned to walk
broke through two more teeth...another top and bottom
head buts all the time
is a screamer.....grr
says bye and waves
is starting to become scared of strange people
ate cake at kaylees birthday party
climbed 6 stairs at my work
took pictures with Christy for his birthday invitations
is forward facing is car seat
gets sad when Kaylee isnt around
takes either two shorter naps or one longer one in the afternoon
is my Stroller Strides buddy
loves measuring cups as toys
eats anything I give him
gets upset if Im eating and he isnt
throws himself backwards when he is mad
grinds his teeth
learning how to get off the couch and bed the correct way
has baby exema on his legs
That picture makes Nathan look so grown up. He's a little man now! And such a good-natured kid. Seriously...I hope I have a boy some day that's as easy going as Nathan!