nathan {thirteen months}

11:18 PM

We sit, we eat from a bowl, and we beg.....hummm..... sounds more like an animal at this point in life but this is one of Nathan's favorite things to do. He sounds like a seagull and points at what he wants and continues until he gets what he wants. Right now cherrios are like candy to this kid. He could eat them everyday, all day long. Isaiah spoiled him and bought some of these apple cinnamon flavor and he was in heaven.

twelve months stats: 
no checkup this months.
 weight seems to be around the same but he seems to be in a growth spurt. 
eating: can you say GROWING! His appetite has really grown this month. He is eating more than Kaylee already. He still has a bottle at naptime and bedtime but we are slowly phasing out the milk and replacing it with water first then getting rid of the bottle all together. 
clothes: 24m-2T
diapers: size 5 still 
loves loves loves cherrios
started to say "my blanket" in Nathan language
points at everything he wants and makes a sound...a loud sound. 
dare I say sleeping through the night......
still has four teeth 
climbs up latters on the big kid playground
runs up and hugs you 
blows the cutest kisses by using his finger
is getting use to his nanny Jasmine
one nap a day usually 
dances all the time with Kaylee
loves to stomp his feet and shake his head
is starting to use sign language!!!! yes!!!!
can get on our bed with a stool and off by himself
first real sickness.....croup....medicine...then all better
still loves him some bath time
is obsessed with anything Kaylee does or has. 
still snuggled to sleep by either mommy or daddy

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  1. What a grown up boy! Gotta love that seagull squawk of his. I didn't know you had him at Stroller Strides with you last week until I heard him screaming. Ha ha! So glad he's sleeping through the night for you. That's a great milestone!
