Flash Back Friday {First Family Trip}

1:42 PM

Two years ago this week our little family made our first adventure up north.
We were living in Southern California at the time so this was Kaylee's debut trip to meet her new grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Washington 2009:

We even spent some time visiting Isaiah's brother Nathan and Uncle David
It was a fast and exciting trip. There were several other friends and family we visited but at the time I wasn't thinking about snapping pictures. Oh well..... it was still a great adventure for our family.
In a few months we will embarking on a grand adventure.... Caribbean Cruise!! But first a 7 hr plane ride with a 2 yr old!! O Boy!

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  1. oh man, i don't know if i've ever seen pictures of kaylee this little! she is too freaking cute for words. i love this flashback :)

  2. I can't believe how tiny she was! Cami wore the same pink and white polka dot outfit. Oh boy...that means someday Cami is going to be as big as Kaylee!
