Wordless{ish} Wednesday! {attitude}

1:54 PM

This year I wanted to do Valentines gifts for our friends and family that were super cute and personal. I saw something perfect on one of the mommy blogs I read regularly.
It requires you taking pictures of your child giving kisses to the camera.

This is what Kaylee gave me:
I didn't know attitude was something born in a person but clearly she is giving the wrong kind to the camera with these shots.

So I brought out the big guns:
yes...that's right.... I bribed my child with chocolate to give me what I wanted....
It totally worked like a charm. Pucker up, take a shot, get a treat....Simple and easy!

They turned out great!!!!
to be continued...

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  1. I've heard that m&ms work..I need to try that. This is a look into your future...I can just see the teenager in there. :)

  2. these are awesome. ashley is totally right, this is a huge glimpse into your future!! can't wait to see the post-m&ms shots :)
