Big Girls are in the HOUSE!!

3:03 PM

I love this title!! It really states what has been going on in the Torres house this last week

Potty Training

Don't let this smile fool you! This is not all smiles and rainbows...POTTY TRAINING IS HARD!!

I am envious of the mom's who have kids who were born to go in the toilet. Kaylee unfortunately is not one of those kids. She is at the stage right now where she LOVES to sit on the potty and read when she DOESN'T have to go but when she does she FREAKS out.

After much research from experienced mom's I have found out that this FREAK OUT stage is normal. I guess the child feels like their waste is a part of them and they can't understand why its FALLING out of them.

We went to the store last week and picked out some big girl underwear with Dora on them and she loves them. Unfortunately she doesn't love them enough to keep them clean.

Its a work in progress I know....but jezzz I didn't think it was going to be this rough

Big Girl NoW!!

Kaylee's room underwent a MAJOR big girl makeover last night! I found this toddler bed on craigslist for a steal of a deal and had to get it. With Kaylee potty training now and our big trip just around the corner, we figured it was time for her to get out of the crib and into a bed.
I LOVE the way her OWL room turned out :)

Mama's makin A's!

So all of my long night library dates with myself are really starting to pay off! A's on both my Anatomy and Physiology Exam and my Math exam!! Whooo Whoot!!
7 more weeks of this and then its Christmas Break!!

In closing....
No matter how crazy being a mom can be it is all worth it when you see this :)

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  1. I'm sure you've already talked with Tammy Anderson, but her advice was awesome!!

    Room looks remarkable, awesome job!! :o)

  2. ah man, i hope things get better soon with the potty training! & oh my goodness, i didn't know you were totally re-doing her room... it looks awesome! i love the owl theme :)

    good job at school too! really though? 7 more weeks? even I'M ready for this quarter to be over!!
