our week in phone pics {w.31}

1:58 PM

Why can't everyday be a vacation??
It never seems long enough and every time I leave my parents house I wonder why I wanted to grow up so fast and leave. I mean really, there is nothing like going home and spending quality time with your parents. I wish I could permanently live with them so they could take care of us :) What do ya think guys??? haha.....

Here was our week.....
1: Isaiah's dad drove up to my parents house from LA to meet his newest grandson. I love that our parents get along so well. It makes my fairytale of a world were everyone can just get along almost a reality :)
2:Grandma Jean also spent some quality time with her great grand babies. I love that Kaylee calls her the "grandma that gets her belly." It's a full circle saying for me because she was MY "grandma that got my belly."
3:This is Kaylee's doggy she tells everyone about. Cobber the Wonder Dog. She is hangin in there in her old age.
4: Lunch date with Daddy and Papa Lou at Olive Garden
5: Our chunky little man
6-8: Mom's birthday dinner

1: Me and my kiddos. I am one lucky mama
2: Boo..... driving home
3: Beautiful landscape in Oregon
4: Iphone movies....yep.... I was "that" mom who let her kid watch movies the entire way home. How did our parents travel with us without technology?? I feel for them :)
5: Hello mama in the back seat
6: Lovin the sunshine
7: Chalk hearts in the sunshine
8: Sun shadows

1: Back in action at Stroller Strides
2-4: Fro-yo with the ladies to celebrate Lindsey's 60 days of no sugars or processed foods. I am so proud of her. She is such and inspiration to me in SOOO many ways.
5-6: Recess Monkey kid concert. Kaylee had a BLAST!! She was rockin out, dancing, and singing along. We are now HUGE fans. They will be back in town in May and we are defiantly going.

ps..... 16 days until my GOLDEN BIRTHDAY!!
I turn 27 on the 27th!

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  1. Looks like a fun trip! You seem to have this 2-kid thing down pretty good now. You'll have to give me pointers when it's my turn. :)

  2. So fun to see what you're up to. I can't believe how fast Nathan is growing and changing. I can't wait to see all of you again!
