
our week in phone pics {w.35}

8:53 PM

Better late than never right?? 

I'm still trying to find the time to sit down at the computer. It's probably the lowest thing on my "to-do" list so I feel like I'm accomplishing my list by being on the computer right now. Go me!

Here is our first week of April!
We went to the park, the kids entertained eachother, I did some couponing (stocking up on canned stuff) and pour little Cami fell at the playground and got a huge goose egg on her forehead. 

We had a crazy out-of-nowhere hail storm on my way into work. It hailed so much that it piled up to 1in!!! I love that Nathan is big enough to fit into this super cute wrap. And then it was sunny!!

Aren't my kids just the cutest?? We did a local Easter egg hunt at a farm so Kaylee wanted to dress like a cowgirl so we decided to dress Nathan in his overalls. So cute!! We found eggs, we saw animals, and Kaylee explored her first firetruck.

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  1. I can't believe Cami's goose egg was so huge! Wow! And oh my goodness...Nathan is adorable in those overalls! :)
