our week in phone pics {w.5}

2:31 PM

Okay so I am LOVING this idea!
I love taking all of these pictures throughout the day and getting to see it all put together. Isaiah even jumped in this week with a pic taken from his phone. AMAZING I know! :)

Here is our week:

Isaiah and I went to our good friends wedding while Kaylee went up north with her cousin Emmalina for a kid concert extravaganza.
{wedding pics via}

Total pregnancy brain moment when I went to stroller strides to workout and forgot the stroller! WOW! I know. So I sat around while Kaylee played for a while.Isaiah had a half day so we headed to the library then Costco for a little shopping and of course polish dogs!

Workout in the morning, lunch with daddy in the afternoon, then a quick 20 week preggo pic before work at night. Good tuesday!

Kaylee jumped into a game with a group of preschool kids at the park and had a blast then we ran some errands after nap time.
Of course when you watch Beauty and the Beast you have to wear the entire princess costume right?? yes... of course you do!!

Play date at the park when I quit half way through the workout. yep...I wasn't really feeling it that day. We decided to wash the car after nap time together and Kaylee was really starting to get the hang of the hose.
Movie night! Kaylee watched a movie on our NEW laptop while Isaiah and I watched Food Inc.
{I couldn't wait and watched it the day before so this was round two for me}

Who doesn't like to have a bagel dipped in milk for breakfast?
We had a HUGE group working out. Over 40 peeps with kids included! WOW!!
It was off to the farmers market to price out some delicious veggies, a little blogging during nap time, and then Marcus and Marlia came over for a few hours so we headed to the park.
Isaiah spent the afternoon on the green. Lucky man!
{he really was having a good time despite the no smile. I just bugged him to send me a pic during the middle of his game. thanks hun}

WOW! We really did a lot this week and it is only going to get crazier.
The next few months are going to be picture craziness.
We have a few 1st birthdays to attend, Isaiah's bday, my baby shower, Kaylee's 3rd bday!, Thanksgiving, Christmas, then BABY!!


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  1. Love them all! Great captures! You have the cutest baby bump!

  2. love the pic of kaylee with the hose! and i agree, your bump picture is super cute.
