Weekday Recap {in Phone Pics w.3}

7:25 PM

So yesterday I started the P365 challenge. One picture a day for the entire year!! I am super excited about it!
I am still going to do the "Week in Phone Pics" too. I don't do any editing to these pictures. I download them straight from my phone and post them.
I want to really work on taking my P365 pics with my Nikon SLR. I want to learn how to use it and what better way than challenging myself!
I have some friends taking the challenge too so I will have some support!
Are you taking the challenge?

Now back to the purpose of this post..........

Here's how our week went through the camera of my phone:

Game Night! After Christmas we wanted to host a game night with our cousins that came in from out of town for the holiday's before they left the next day. We had a great time. We did our traditional Sunday Breakfast Dinner and played games until 2am!

1:Parker came on Tuesday this week and what a great time these two have!

2:He is just starting to explore some solid foods so with mom's permission we tried some Cheerios. He loved them! But what kid doesn't?

After he left it was off to the grocery store. This is what Kaylee does while I bring the groceries in. No worries, car is off, e-brake is on, keys are with me and the back door is open while I take our load from the car into the house.
{notice again her bare feet. She just has to take her shoes and socks off in the car}


1: Do you see that.... clear skies in WASHINGTON in DECEMBER!! I knew I had to take a picture so I could remember what a blue sky looks like. It had been about 2 months since we had one of these. Best part....it has stayed like this all week~~

2: That night it was off to Charlie's Safari. It is the coolest indoor play area for kids {and adults}. Isaiah and Kaylee headed up this massive blow up slide together.

3: She is fearless!

1: Girls day!! Kaylee and I went to her FIRST movie. We saw Tangled. She loved it! We didn't make it through the whole movie though. Coolest part.... the manager refunded our tickets for us! I didn't even ask, she just offered! Then she took a pic for us!

2: Can't go wrong with a pretzel and some pink lemonade

1: WORK all day for me! This is my gun I used all day to make people beautifully tan in an instant.

2: Getting my squat workout in cleaning beds all day.

3: No glorious New Year's celebration around here. We curled up with some Papa Murphy's chicken pizza and a good movie. We fell asleep before we could crack open a bottle of sparkling cider for the countdown.


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  1. Ooh I'm doing 365 too, it will be so fun to track everyone's pictures! xo

  2. A girls' day--fun! Cute pictures!

  3. i love the girl's day :) you guys are too cute. oh, & that little dude eating the cheerios is pretty cute too. yay for P365!

  4. P365 - Wow! My goal is to start using my blog a bit more so I can turn it into my annual photo album (married 5 years and haven't done a single one!) That picture of Kaylee totally freaked me out. I used to have recurring nightmares as a kid that I accidentally started driving my mom's car and she would run after us screaming. Creepy, huh?
